Staging a Home to Sell
Staging a home is one of several steps homeowners take to prepare their humble abode to sell for the highest price possible.
Don’t mistake this step a fluff item on your to-do list. It ranks right up there with making necessary repairs around the home as well as aesthetic improvements.
How do you stage your own home to sell? You can do it yourself or you can hire a stager — an experienced professional who knows what looks appealing in every room of your home. Staging a home requires a sharp eye for color, furnishings, architecture and room size. The stager takes all this into consideration and coordinates your items to show your home in its best light.
If you’d like to try it, imagine yourself as a buyer of your home. Let’s begin our journey!
Pull up to the outside of your home, take note of your home’s curb appeal. Curb appeal is a great self-explanatory term meaning what appeals to you from the curb. What is it about the exterior that you find appealing?
For example, the feel of the neighborhood and the grounds of the home: what is the condition of the Landscaping–grass, flowers, trees? Does the driveway interrupt the landscaping in the front of the house or to the side? Garage? How much land is included with the house or condominium? How close is the next home? Color: is the home’s exterior nicely painted without chipping? Is the property’s exterior clean?
This is important because if the exterior is well-groomed, it creates an automatic desire and invitation to view the home’s interior.
Imagine yourself entering the home. What do you look at first? The floors, the windows, the furnishings, walls, or the color of the room? Walk around each room. Review all these items and make them look as inviting as possible. Perhaps add some floral centerpieces, but be sure to keep it simple, clean and spacious.
Don’t forget to clean out every storage areas in your home. This is important because prospective buyers will definitely view how much storage they will have. Show off your storage areas by cleaning them out as much as possible. This will display how much free space is available. Storage inside homes holds great value given that most homes in Florida do not have basements.
Some sellers find it exciting to stage their home to show off to the perfect buyers. Or, if you simply prefer to delegate all staging, Naples Home Staging does a superior job!
As always, please feel free to contact me with your real estate needs.